列車はライプツィヒの中心に位置するライプツィヒ中央駅から出発してChemnitzの中心部に位置するケムニッツ 中央駅に到着する間、旅行の美しい風景を鑑賞することができます。
列車はライプツィヒの中心に位置するライプツィヒ中央駅から出発してChemnitzの中心部に位置するケムニッツ 中央駅に到着する間、旅行の美しい風景を鑑賞することができます。
Take a trip to the cultural hub of Saxony and explore the best of Leipzig and Chemnitz on the train ride in between. Enjoy a scenic trip from Leipzig, the largest city in Saxony, to Chemnitz, one of the oldest cities in the region. In less than 2 hours, you can travel through a majestic landscape and pass important cities and towns.
The fastest route from Leipzig to Chemnitz takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes, with the train departing from Leipzig Hauptbahnhof and arriving at Chemnitz Hauptbahnhof. On the way, you can pass through important cities such as Borna, Grimma, and Colditz. The total distance of the route is about 70 kilometers. The most iconic item you may find on departure and arrival is the Statue of the Saxon Lion, which stands at the entrance of the Leipzig Hauptbahnhof.
On your journey, you can explore the countryside and its historical sites. You can pay a visit to the majestic Castle of Colditz, or explore the Old Town of Grimma, where you can find a 800 year old church. Furthermore, you can enjoy the lush green meadows of Saxony, or take a hint from the local culture of the region.
Take a train from Leipzig to Chemnitz to explore the best of Saxony and appreciate the stunning landscape and cultural heritage along the way. Enjoy a journey full of experiences, and don’t forget to bring a camera to capture all the beauty!
トーマス教会 (Thomaskirche) - J.S.バッハが長年にわたり楽長を務めたことで有名なこの教会は、ライプツィヒの中心部にあります。内部のバッハ記念碑を見逃さないでください。入場は無料ですが、コンサートが開催されることもあります。
ヴェルキ戦争記念館 (Völkerschlachtdenkmal) - この巨大な記念碑は、ナポレオン戦争の戦勝を記念して建てられました。展望台からの眺めは息をのむ美しさです。入場料は6ユーロです。
ライプツィヒ動物園 (Zoologischer Garten Leipzig) - 世界でも最も進化した動物園の一つで、特に「グォンドワナランド」の熱帯雨林ハウスが人気です。家族連れにおすすめです。入場料は成人21ユーロ、子供14ユーロです。
バッハ博物館 (Bach-Museum) - バッハの生涯と作品に焦点を当てたこの博物館は、トーマス教会の近くにあります。入場料は8ユーロです。
アウエルバッハの地下室 (Auerbachs Keller) - ゲーテの「ファウスト」で名前が出てくるこの歴史的な酒場では、伝統的なドイツ料理を楽しむことができます。
ライプツィヒ市場広場 (Leipziger Marktplatz) - この広場は、地元の食材や工芸品を販売する市場が定期的に開かれる場所です。特に土曜日の市場は見逃せません。
グラシアラベンビューダーク (Gosenschenke Ohne Bedenken) - ここではライプツィヒ特有のビール、ゴーゼを試すことができます。独特の酸味が特徴です。
Chemnitz is one of the most beautiful and historical cities in Germany. With its stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and world-famous museums, it is an ideal destination for any traveler. With its many historical sites, as well as cultural highlights, and some of the best restaurants in town, there’s something for everyone looking to explore this charming city. Here’s a list of the top 7 places to visit and what to eat while taking in the sights of Chemnitz.
Museum Gunzenhauser: This museum is located in the historic quarter of Chemnitz and gives visitors a unique glimpse into the city’s past. The museum is home to a rich collection of art, artifacts, and even an expansive library. Admission is free, and the museum is open Tuesday-Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm.
Burgstallberg Castle: Located on a hilltop overlooking the city, this castle is one of the most impressive sights in Chemnitz. With its beautiful gardens and stunning architecture, it is a must-see for any history buff. Admission is free, and the castle is open 10 am–6 pm, Tuesday-Sunday.
Karl Marx Monument: This monument to Karl Marx stands at the heart of the city. It is a must-see for anyone looking to get a feel for the vibrancy and culture of the city. Admission is free and it is open 24 hours a day.
Stadthalle Chemnitz: This is one of the most beautiful and iconic buildings in the city. It is home to a theatre, art galleries, and a variety of permanent and temporary exhibits. Admission is free, and the Stadthalle is open Tuesday-Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm.
Chemnitz Art Gallery: This gallery is home to a wide selection of artworks from classic to modern. It is a great place to view the best of both worlds. Admission is free, and the gallery is open Tuesday-Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm.
Botanical Garden: This garden is a paradise for any nature lover. It boasts a diverse selection of plants, flowers, and trees, and a thriving wildlife. Admission is free, and the garden is open Monday-Sunday from 8am to 6 pm.
Sample Local Cuisine: Chemnitz is famous for its delicious local cuisine. From bratwurst to sauerkraut, the city’s diverse culinary heritage has something to please everyone’s palette. There are plenty of restaurants to explore, so be sure to sample some of the local delicacies.
Exploring Chemnitz is an experience like no other. From its rich history and vibrant culture, to its delicious local cuisine, there’s something for everyone who visits this beautiful city. So if you’re looking for an unforgettable experience, then Chemnitz is the place to be.
ライプツィヒは、ドイツの中心に位置し、重要な交通のハブとして知られています。主要な鉄道駅はライプツィヒ中央駅(Leipzig Hauptbahnhof)で、この駅はヨーロッパで最も大きい駅のひとつです。ライプツィヒには、他にもライプツィヒ・メッセ駅やライプツィヒ・プラッガーヴィッツ駅など、いくつかの鉄道駅が存在しますが、中央駅が最も利用されている駅です。
Chemnitz, which is located in Germany, has Chemnitz Hauptbahnhof as its main train station. This station is well-connected to other European cities and is the center for various local transportation options. Besides this station, there are a few other important stations in the city.
Chemnitz Hauptbahnhof is located at Richard-Wagner-Platz 1, Chemnitz 09111. It is open 24/7 and offers various services such as ticket counters, baggage storage, and customer service. You can contact them via telephone on +49 (3722) 83180 or via email at [email protected].