Budete odchádzať z Aigle, nachádzajúcej sa priamo v centre mesta Aigle, a užijete si krásne scenérie cesty, kým dorazíte do Ženeva, tiež umiestnenej v srdci Ženeva.
Budete odchádzať z Aigle, nachádzajúcej sa priamo v centre mesta Aigle, a užijete si krásne scenérie cesty, kým dorazíte do Ženeva, tiež umiestnenej v srdci Ženeva.
The first station to board the train is Aigle. This charming Swiss municipality is located in the canton of Vaud and has a population of 12,942. Make sure to take in the breathtaking views of the Rhone Valley and the Massif des Diablerets mountain range. Don't forget to take a few pictures of the iconic red tower of the Aigle Castle!
The journey then continues to the city of Vevey, known for its chalet-style buildings. Enjoy the lake views and take the time to explore the town’s cultural attractions, such as the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Chocolate. After this, the next stop is Lausanne. This bustling city is the largest French-speaking city in Switzerland and is home to several world-famous universities and museums. Make sure to check out the Pierre Viret Park, a popular spot for locals.
The last station on this tour is Geneva, the second-most populous city in Switzerland. Here, the most iconic sight to behold is the Jet d’Eau, a 140-meter-high fountain located in Lake Geneva. The city is known for its lively nightlife, so make sure to explore it when the night comes. And don't forget to visit the Old Town and its picturesque cobblestone streets!
The Aigle to Geneva rail journey is an experience of a lifetime. Enjoy the stunning views of the Swiss countryside and explore the many cultural and historical attractions along the way. Make sure to take lots of pictures to commemorate your amazing journey!
Aigle is a unique destination in Switzerland that offers a mix of breathtaking scenery and rich history. Whether you’re looking for outdoor activities, cultural attractions or some of the best food and wine in the country, Aigle has something for everyone. Here is a list of the must-visit historical and architectural sites with all the details on what to see and eat in this magical mountain city.
Château d'Aigle: Located in the centre of Aigle, this 16th-century castle is a must-visit for anyone interested in medieval history. It features a large tower, a nearby moat and a tower bridge. The building is now a museum, featuring a variety of unique and interesting items from the area’s past. Entrance is free, and it’s open from 10am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Insider tip: There's also a café in the courtyard, so make sure to stop for a drink and a snack.
Musée du Vieil Aigle: This museum is located in a renovated 18th-century building and features a variety of artefacts from the area’s past. You can explore the local history, take a peek into the life of the Aigle region’s past and learn more about the interesting history of the region. It’s open from 10am to 5pm, Tuesday to Sunday, and has a small entrance fee.
Cathédrale Notre-Dame: Built in the 12th century, the Cathédrale Notre-Dame is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. It’s one of the largest religious buildings in Switzerland, and features a beautiful interior and a large bell tower. The building is open on weekdays from 9am to 5.30pm and on Sundays from 11am to 5pm.
Château d'Oex: For a real taste of medieval life, visit Château d'Oex. This 12th-century castle overlooks the town of Oex and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Inside, you can explore the castle’s museum, where you can learn more about the castle’s history. It’s open from 10am to 5pm, Tuesday to Sunday.
Le Bourg: This historic village is located just outside of Aigle and is a great place to explore the region’s local culture. Wander the cobblestone streets and take in the traditional architecture of the village, or visit one of the local restaurants and sample some of the area’s delicious regional cuisine.
Le Coteau des Bretéches: About 20 minutes from Aigle is this 19th-century fortress, located on a hilltop overlooking the valley. This impressive fortress was once used as a military outpost, and today it’s open to the public. Take a tour of the building, or simply soak in the stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
Les Rochers des Îles: These limestone rock formations are a must-see when in Aigle. Take a boat tour and explore the stunning scenery of the region, or take a hike along the trails that wind through the rocks.
Aigle is a city like no other, with its mix of culture, history and stunning scenery. With the list of must-visit historical and architectural sites above, you’ll be able to experience the very best that Aigle has to offer. Don’t forget to sample some of the region’s local cuisine while you’re there, and soak in the beautiful views of the surrounding mountain range.
Vitajte v Ženeve, meste bohatom na historické a kultúrne skvosty, ktoré je zasadené v srdci Európy. Toto mesto nie je len domovom medzinárodných organizácií, ale ponúka aj úchvatné výhľady a architektonické diela. Prípravu na vašu návštevu môžete začať s týmito kľúčovými miestami, ktoré by ste nemali vynechať.
Jet d'EauPri návšteve Ženevy je pohodlné pohybovať sa po meste vďaka efektívnemu verejnému dopravnému systému, ktorý zahŕňa autobusy, tramvaje a lode. Nezabudnite vyskúšať lokálne špeciality ako fondue alebo raclétte v niektorej z tradičných ženevských reštaurácií. Ženeva vás očarí svojou kombináciou história a modernosti, ktorá zaručuje nezabudnuteľný zážitok.
The main train station of Aigle, in Switzerland, is Aigle Railway Station. There are also other important train stations in the city such as Bovernier, Leysin, and Château-d'Oex.
Aigle Railway Station is conveniently located in the city center. Its address is Place du Marché 2, 1868 Aigle, Switzerland. The station is open 24/7 and features a staffed ticket office and luggage storage. To get more information about train schedules and tickets, please call +41225952050.
Ste si uvedomili, že Ženeva je nielen diplomatickým centrom, ale aj uzelovým bodom pre cestovanie vlakom? Hlavná železničná stanica v Ženeve, známa ako Gare Cornavin, je kľúčová pre medzinárodné aj domáce spojenia. Okrem tejto dôležitej stanice mesto ponúka aj ďalšie menšie stanice, ako Gare des Eaux-Vives alebo Gare de Sécheron, ktoré sú relevantné pre lokálnu dopravu a prímestské linky.
Stanica Gare Cornavin sa nachádza v srdci mesta na adrese pl. de Cornavin 7, 1201 Genève. Je otvorená nepretržite, čo zaručuje flexibilitu pre cestujúcich bez ohľadu na čas príchodu alebo odchodu. V rámci stanice sú k dispozícii služby pre prepravu batožiny, vrátane úschovní batožín a asistencia pri prenášaní batožiny. Tieto služby umožňujú cestujúcim pohodlné a bezstarostné cestovanie vlakom po celej Európe.
Rezervujte vopred:
Rovnako ako pri letenkách, ceny vlakových lístkov majú tendenciu stúpať, keď sa blíži dátum odchodu. Rezervácia týždne alebo dokonca mesiace vopred Vám môže ušetriť značnú sumu.
Cestujte mimo dopravnej špičky:
Vyhnite sa cestovaniu v špičkových časoch, ako sú rána a večery počas pracovných dní. Zvoľte si cestovanie počas poludnia, neskorého večera alebo v polovici týždňa, keď je menší dopyt.
Zvážte pomalšie vlaky alebo nepriame trasy:
Expresné alebo vysokorýchlostné vlaky môžu ušetriť čas, ale sú často drahšie. Výber regionálnych alebo pomalších služieb môže znížiť Vaše cestovné náklady.
Hľadajte špeciálne ponuky a akcie:
Prevádzkovatelia vlakov príležitostne ponúkajú akcie alebo špeciálne ponuky, najmä počas obdobia mimo špičky. Stojí za to prihlásiť sa na odber newsletterov. Okrem toho sú niekedy k dispozícii skupinové alebo spiatočné zľavy na lístky, preto zvážte tieto možnosti, ak zapadajú do vašich cestovných plánov.